Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Virginia Reel, Line Dance

I really enjoyed myself this week.  Mrs. Tenney and I just bounced off of each other for the whole lesson, and it was fantastic! The students were learning about pioneers, so I took them outside and taught the Virginia Reel.  They loved it.  It was great getting Mrs. Tenney involved by having her be my dance partner.  After dancing, the students discussed the reasons such dances were popular among the pioneers.  They came up with answers such as "learning to work together" and "entertainment."  When we finished dancing, we went inside, and read about the Transcontinental Railroad. I taught them "I've been working on the Railroad" with hand actions to help them keep the beat, and blowing horns on the rests.  I asked discovery questions about what time the workers had to get up in the morning, and that launched a great discussion about working conditions in the 1800's.  As I walked out the door, several students came up to me and thanked me for coming, and asked if we could do this again.  I'm glad they not only enjoyed the activities so much, but that they learned so much in the process.

Here is  a short clip of our practice.

 Integrated Lesson Plan

Standard: Describe the historical and current

impact of various culture groups on Utah. 

Explore cultural influences from various groups

Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to

recognize and perform dance influenced by the

Standard: Discover how songs, singing games,

and dances relate to various cultures in the

history of Utah. How music is used by different

cultures, and enjoy traditional folk dances

related to the cultures of Utah’s history. 

Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to

accurately perform the Virginia Reel from

Lesson Plan

Objective: Students will be able to recognize and perform the Virginia Reel from beginning to end.

Assessment: Watch.  Do they stay with the music? Ask, why would the pioneers want songs like this?


1. Number students  1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, etc.

2. Number 1’s get in a line right here (motion with hand)

Number 2’s get in a line right here (motion with hand)

Face the person across from you. They will be your partner.

3. (Use Mrs. Tenney as my partner for the demonstration.)

4. Walk in 2 3 4 walk out 2 3 4  freeze.

5. Now you are going to walk in, link elbows with your partner, swing around and go back to your

spot. Ready go 2 3 swing and back 2 3 4 and freeze. 

6. Let’s try from the beginning without stopping.

In 2 3 4 and out 2 3 4 and in 2 3 swing and back 2 3 4 and freeze. 

7. Next, we’ll do the same thing with the left elbows linked.  Ready go 2 3 swing and back 2 3 4 and

8. Now a do si do.  Pass by your right shoulders and back around them without touching.  (Model

with Mrs. Tenney.)  Go 2 3 4 and back 2 3 4. 

9. From the beginning: in 2 3 4 and out 2 3 4 and right hand swing  3 4 and back 2 3 4 and left hand

swing 3 4 and back 2 3 4 and do si do 2 3 4 and back  2 3 4.

10. Great, we’re almost done! Line leaders hold 2 hands and slide down the middle, and all the way

11. Leaders go, 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 and back 2 3 4 5 6 7 8. 

12. Now a banana peel.  Leaders go around your line (model) and everyone follow. 

13. When you get to the end, make a bridge with your partner, and everyone follow underneath.

14. Let’s try it. Line leaders raise your hand!  2 hands together, and go! 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 and back 2 3 4 5

6 7 8, and banana.  Everyone follow 5 6 7 8 and bridge. Everyone follow back up, and we have a

1 comment:

  1. Heather,

    I loved reading about your great ideas! I think it is wonderful that you are finding ways of tying music into the curriculum at the school. I couldn't get the video to work, but that just might be my computer. Anyway, I'm so glad to see that your lessons are going well and that your students are enjoying the learning they are doing in your classroom! Great job!
